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and repurposers -- of vintage finds and antique treasures from the early 1900s to the late 1940s who practice the Kindergarten tenent of sharing on this page.  (we are


Funky Junk's Best Friend
By: A Cat Eye Girl  -  5/26/2011

Considered the equivalent of 2000 grit sand paper, 0000 steel wool is one of “funky junk’s” best friends.

You can use 0000 steel wool to buff funky junk to:

1.  Clean the glass doors of a piece of funky junk, like an old kitchen cupboard, old leaded glass windows and mirrors without window cleaner. funky junk, funky junk show,

2.  Remove surface rust from steel and chrome funky junk.

3.  Polish the chrome pieces of funky junk, like the chrome base of a 1950s kitchen step stool or Formica topped table.

4.  Work Briwax into the grain of a wooden piece of funky junk, like a primitive pie safe or jelly cabinet.

5.  Give funky junk painted with gloss paint a matte finish.

6.  Remove crayon and pencil marks from funky junk.

7.  Clean the tools you use to prep and repair funky junk.

8.  Apply a light oil to your steel tools (chisels, putty knives et al) to prevent surface rust.

0000 steel wool comes in pads and rolls.  Every respectable hardware store carries steel wool -- you’ll find it on the shelf alongside the furniture stripping supplies. 

If you are serial funky junkers like us, buy the roll and save a little with the scale of economies.


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