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Gym Locker Baskets Repurposed
By: A Cat Eye Girl  -  1/12/2011


Gym locker baskets -- sturdy, useful and easily repurposed in some imaginative and welcoming ways. One of our favorite industrial kits and kabootles, wire gym locker baskets are structurally functional as an organizing, containment tool. They pair well with the soft-scape (linens) in a home too.

Here are a few repurposing ideas for gym baskets:antique shows Seattle, Kennewick, Richland, Yakima Washington

1. Give each member of your household their own locker basket to store their personal care products in.

2. Round up all of the necessary accoutrement an overnight guest might either have to ask for or go looking for – towel, washcloth, bar of soap, dental floss – and create a “welcoming” gym basket.

3. Strategically place a gym basket by the most frequently used entry point into your home to use either as a glove and hat receptacle or as an “exit” bin – as in what goes in it needs to be recycled, gifted or donated.

4. Store your dog’s "gym" equipment – tennis balls, Frisbee, leash -- in a gym basket.

5. Fill with moss and potting soil and use a gym basket as a flower pot.

6. Use in your bathroom to dispense rolled up towels.


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