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Juxtaposition: Funky Junk and Frivolous
By: A Cat Eye Girl  -  9/7/2011


Pairing funky junk with fragile elements inspired us pause, reflect and think about form, function and frivolity.

We just secured the newest edition of "Junk Market Style" and think the editor and contributors are witty and clever -- clearly, the "repurposing gurus" of the publishing world.  For some of us, they take funky junk to unimaginable places and inspire us to think creatively about our own junk.

Where we depart from being funky junk pfunky junk, funky junk show, antique show, kennewick, tri-cities, pasco, spokane, portland, seattle, hillsboro, yakima, monroeurists is we still like the "good stuff."  By "good stuff" we mean the fine bone china of old chintz, the gold that makes old red glass red -- fineries that were found in upper-middle class homes of yesteryear . . . like ruby glass muffineers with solid brass tops that shake cinnamon and oversized grains of organic sugar onto toast perfectly and cheery chintz teapots that brew an afternoon cup of tea. 

We like things that are delicate and fragile -- things that need copious amounts of bubble wrap to transport safely.  And, we were inspired to think about form, function and frivolous by the juxtaposition afforded in pairing funky junk -- elements with peeling paint and industrial qualities -- with things that are fragile and fine!

Form matters. 

Good form is the difference between a tool that does exactly what you want it to do with the least amount of effort and one that makes the job more difficult.  Take a new drip coffee pot for example -- one with good form never spills a drop of coffefunky junk, funky junk show, antique show, kennewick, pasco, tri-cities, antique store, antique mall, snohomish, monroe, yakima, portland, spokane, seattlee on your kitchen counter.  One with bad form provides a source of "coffee on the counter" irritation every morning. 

Function matters.  

Function stores necessities, helps keep us organized and reduces the effort that it takes to complete a task.  Good function gets things done efficiently.

Frivolous.  Does it really matter?

Frivolous may have good form, function efficiently yet may be regarded as "too." Too pretty. Too delicate. Too fragile.  Too old.  Too priceless.  Too frivolous to actually use

But, is the "good stuff" just frivolity intended for someone else's china closet or could a little dose of it provide us with intangible benefits? 

Frivolous can start us on a path to a daily ritual like a cup of tea brewed in an old chintz teapot or take us regularly to a fond page in our memory's rolodex about time spent at "grama's house."  In this regard, frivolous isn't so frivolous at all.  It performs an intangible function, helps us form thoughts about things that really matter -- people, making time for reflection and revisiting histories.   

Therefore, we think frivolous does matter.  Incorporating a few frivolous elements with good functionality into our funky junk decor can nurish, enrich, inspire and define us. 

Go ahead, pair a little frivolity, the "good stuff," with your funky junk and see where the juxtaposition takes you!


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