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Funky Junk of Habiliments: Glass Buttons
By: A Cat Eye Girl  -  7/14/2011


Some funky junk needs closures.  Old buttons . . . buttons are the funky junk closures to habiliments.  While we are not experts when it comes to button collecting, we are charmed by a collection of old buttons . . . there is sometfunky junk, funky junk show, antiques, antique store, antique show, yakima, walla walla, spokane, portland, hillsboro, monroe, seattle, tri-cities, kennewickhing singularly irresistible about a jar filled with old buttons – especially glass buttons.

But, if you are new to the "world of buttons," how do you know for sure they are glass?  

Here’s a couple of quick tests:

1.  Tap the button on your front teeth.  If it is glass you should hear a “tink, tink” sound.  Plastic buttons sound hollow, dull.

2.  Glass buttons feel “slick.”  Rub your thumb over the back of the button.  Does it feel like there is a thin film of oil on the button?

3.  Put the suspected glass button in the freezer . . . when you pull it out in an hour or so it will frost over and stay colder longer than plastic buttons.

So there you have it, another one of our funky junk trade secrets . . . which is not much of a secret anymore . . . it's a gift that keeps on giving . . . . 


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