who humbly seek your questions, suggestions, comments about antiques, vintage finds, repurposing treasure . . . (ask now)
Cat Eye Glasses
My cat eye glass frames appear milky in color. What happened?
Your cat eye glasses were previously owned by a sun goddess . . . UV rays have done them in. Time to shop for a new pair of cat eyes.
What does "plucky" mean?
To be plucky is to be courageous . . . enough to wear jeweled cat eye glasses!
We think that to be plucky with your decorating style is to have the courage to define and create your own unique decorating style without the help of Sunday circulars. Sort of like coloring out of the lines.
Plucky could be:
- Where minimalism meets retro.
- The visceral joy you experience from whimsical, happy colors from the kitchenware of the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s.
- June Cleaver moves into the Bauhaus.
- Industrial elements softened with linens. Galvanized steel and tatting.
- Optimism and happiness supported with the ability to ruthlessly edit your home.
- Surrounding yourself with only the things you love!
How would you define plucky? Share your definition and we will add it to the list.
What does "habiliment" mean?
Literally, habiliment means:
a. clothes or clothing
b. clothes as worn in a particular profession
Not quite so literally it means “equipment with purpose” much like how a doohickey, gizmo, whatchamacallit or even a kit or a kabootle can be a piece of equipment with purpose.
What is funky junk?
We define funky junk as: A unique blend of antique, vintage, industrial, primitive and repurposed elements stirred, not shaken, with Shabby Chic.
Estate Sales
Do the Cat Eye Girls conduct estate sales?
Yes. We assist clients who downsizing due to circumstance or are charged with liquidating estates by:
- Providing professional estate liquidation services.
- Conducting on-premise estate sales.
- Outright buying estate contents, one item or a house full.
- Consult with clients to plan for, organize and conduct their own sale.
The Cat Eye Girls are part and parcel of a larger team of professionals who are "teaming" with integrity, knowledge and marketing savvy. We serve Snohomish County (Everett, Marysville, Monroe, Snohomish, Arlington) and Yakima County (Yakima, Gleed, Tieton, Toppenish).
For more information about how we can help you attain your goals, contact Teresa Mitchell (Agent 99).
Finding Us
Where can we find your inventory for sale?
You can click here right now and to see where our plucky style of vintage wares can be found anytime and see our show schedule.
Why is theater spelled wrong on your "where" page?
Once upon a time, when Roxy Theatre's were new and still in operation "theater" was spelled "theatre." Ann Steiger who owns the Roxy Theatre building in Kennewick, Washington and graciously operates the Roxy Theatre Antiques prefers to leave the original spelling in place . . . even though the Oxford Dictionary has, well, changed the order of things!
Since we have your attention, let's chat about this unique antique mall in Kennewick, Washington. Ann is as passionate about the Roxy Theatre building that houses her antique mall as she is about the antiques inside.
The Roxy Theatre Antiques is both an antique mall and a destination. Once you are there you can pause and reflect over a latte and stroll through . . . well, stroll through the basement where you will find Agent 99's space, chock full of antiques, funky junk, unique elements and vintage finds.
Jump in your pedal car and take a drive to Kennewick, Washington . . . visit the Roxy Theatre Antiques, Ann Steiger and Agent 99!
Recycling and Repurposing
What do the Cat Eye Girls mean by recycle and repurpose?
We concern ourselves with providing fun and practical ways to use something old in a new way. For example, a cream separator has a narrowly defined function . . . to separate cream. How many of us living in cities and townships might actually have a need for a cream separator? Right, not many.
A cream separator’s original function is obsolete. Though the base to a cream separator is quite useful as an outdoor table, complete with a swinging arm that extends to accommodate more than one person’s lemonade glass. Or as a telephone stand. Or even a night stand.
It just takes a little thought, a little creativity and a little pluck to create a new job description for something old and obsolete.
We also concern ourselves with hunting, gathering and finding new homes for old things. That's the recycler part . . . Think of us as serial recyclers. And our hope is that you are too.
How can I share a repurposing idea with the Cat Eye Girls?
Send us an email with your idea . . . and do tell us if it's OK to cite you in the blog as the source of this repurposing inspiration! It's important to give credit where credit is due!
A picture is worth a few words to. Include a jpeg format image of what you repurposed if you have one!
Shows Antique, Vintage, Primitive and Funky Junk
I buy a lot of inventory at antique shows, how do I avoid paying sales tax?
Bring a copy of your reseller permit with you to the show, otherwise we will charge you Washington State Sales Tax at the rate charged as per the location (municipality -- city or county) of the show.
Sorry, we no longer accept verbal promises that go something like this, "I promise I will mail it to you when I get home."
Just FYI, every vendor you do business with will want a copy of your reseller permit so bring multiple copies.
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Here's a little tip
To swiftly and effortlessly clean the inside of a planter or vase:
1. Wash first with dishwashing soap to remove the top layer.
2. Pour a tablespoon of Whinks Rust Remover into the vase or planter, swish it around and rinse thoroughly with warm water.
That's it!
ps. You will find Whinks in the laundry section of grocery stores.
Click here for more Cat Eye Girl "vintage" trade secrets!
Cat Eye Girls 1840 St. Hilaire Rd Yakima, WA 98901 509-453-0402
Plucky recyclers and repurposers of funky junk. | |