who humbly seek your questions, suggestions, comments about antiques, vintage finds, repurposing treasure . . . (ask now)

Cat Eye Girls dot com
What does Agent 99 mean by "Ranch Romance" in her bio?
Agent 99 is charmed by minimalism. That said, minimalism is difficult to achieve without supporting minimalist architecture. Ranch Romance is Agent 99's spin on living on a farm, in a small house that requires ruthless editing and minimal elements to stay sane with two house mates and their dog, Edward R. Beagle. And, using the term Ranch Romance gave a little nod to those in the know of the Seattle based "genre hopping swing band" called Ranch Romance too -- part swing, part twang and part vintage country western.
How do I become a Cat Eye Girl?
Pinky swear that you:
1. Added Cat Eye Girls dot com to your favorites and promise to return on occasion for a little pluck.
2. Will jump in your pedal car and follow us on Facebook, without tailgating.
3. Wear cat eye glasses or imagine yourself wearing vintage cat eye glasses.
4. Regularly practice the tenents you learned in Kindergarten – share, be kind, don’t cut in the lunch line and finger paint on Fridays!
Love what I saw on your "buy and sell" and "gallery" pages, why don't you have an online store?
We love meeting our customers in person, at antique and funky junk shows throughout Oregon and Washington and in the antique malls we sell out of the Roxy Theatre Antiques in Kennewick, Ruffles and Rust Square in Snohomish, Sixth Street Gallery in Prosser and Precision Fruit and Antiques in Selah.
While we are internet savvy, none of us have ever sold anything online. Maybe someday and maybe someday, since we have a barn, we will have a barn sale too!
We want to:
- Interact in person and be social with our customers.
- Have the pleasure of asking where will “it” live? what will “it” do? how will “it” be used? who is it for?
For now, share your wish list with us and we will try to make your wishes come true! If you see something on our site that peaks your curiosity . . . . shoot us an email, it could very well become yours if we still have it.
What was the inspiration for the design of Cat Eye Girls dot com?
Agent 99 started playing with a design and dug through her inventory for inspiration and came up for air wi th a pair of 1950s Kimball Dihedral "outboard water skis" for the color palette. As per how the site is organized with plenty of whitespace between on-page elements the inspiration came from "retro meets minimalism."
Why is the "pursuit of WOW!" in quotation marks?
The phrase was coined by Tom Peters (The Leadership Challenge, The Pursuit of WOW!, The Little Big Things) and it would be, in our humble opinion, plagiarism at worst and simply wrong to not cite credit for such fine wordsmithing!
Cat Eye Glasses
Do the Cat Eye Girls sell cat eye glass frames?
Yes, we usually have a few vintage cat eye frames from the 1950s and 1960s for sale.
Do the Cat Eye Girls actually wear cat eye glasses?
Yes! And, we think you should get some pluck and wear cat eye glasses too!
Who makes the coolest new cat eye glass frames?
LaFont! Their "Pinup" and "Scarlet" frames are screamin' "urban retro."
Can you put new lenses in old cat eye frames?
Piece of cake! And, your vision insurance just might pay for new lenses for your old cat eye frames. You can also custom design cat eye shaped lenses for Silhouettes, just ask your optic pro. Daniel at Precision Optical (509-248-4236) on Yakima Avenue in Yakima, WA takes care of our old frames and new lenses.
My cat eye glass frames are missing jewels. How do I fix them?
Simply glue new jewels in the voids. You can find some wonderful jewels at craft stores. With a toothpick place a small amount of “Tacky” glue in the void. With a pair of tweezers, carefully set a new jewel in the setting. Let the glue set and your cat eye glasses are good to sparkle.
Here's a little tip
To swiftly and effortlessly clean the inside of a planter or vase:
1. Wash first with dishwashing soap to remove the top layer.
2. Pour a tablespoon of Whinks Rust Remover into the vase or planter, swish it around and rinse thoroughly with warm water.
That's it!
ps. You will find Whinks in the laundry section of grocery stores.
Click here for more Cat Eye Girl "vintage" trade secrets!

Cat Eye Girls 1840 St. Hilaire Rd Yakima, WA 98901 509-453-0402
Plucky recyclers and repurposers of funky junk. | |