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and repurposers -- of vintage finds and antique treasures from the early 1900s to the late 1940s who practice the Kindergarten tenent of sharing on this page.  (we are


Ruffles and Rust: A vintage market to inspire . . . May 11-12, 2012
By: A CatEyeGirl  -  4/17/2012

As usual, we have the rust part pretty well covered.  It's the ruffles we struggle with.  Just the same, we are excited once again to vend at Ruffles and Rust: A vintage market to inspire . . . and it's just around the corner, May 11-12, 2012

Here's the when and where:

Evergreen Stats Fair Grounds, Monroe, WA
May 11, 2012 -- 5-9pm for "First Choice Shopping" ($20 pre-purchased ticket or $30 at the door)
May 12, 2012 -- 9am-4pm ($7 entry fee)

ruffles and rust, vintage market, funky junk, vintage show, vintage sale, funky junk show, monroe, puyallup, seattle, spokane, tri-cities, yakima, portland

Here are a few clues to a few things that are going in our truck and trailer . . . it's oval with a grey top and comes with four things that are red and strikingly similar shaped backs as those of a pair of cateye glass frames . . . screamin' 1950s boards that you can walk on water with . . . shiny chrome baskets on wheels . . . lots of sand and silica held together with lead strips and wooden frames . . . things you walk through to get to your secret garden . . . inspired?  



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